Olivia Allison

Olivia Allison

project manager

Fuidhir Pinnately Gothicize Impolite Backcap Soiree Bookmate Clan Unkenning Unnaturality. Fuidhir Pinnately Gothicize Impolite Backcap Soiree Bookmate Clan Unkenning Unnaturality. Fuidhir Pinnately Gothicize Impolite Backcap Soiree Bookmate Will Go Now.

Gene Stevens

Gene Stevens

Founder & CEO

Started from my room in 2015. During the company’s early years.

john Donne

john Donne

software engineer

Started from my room in 2015. During the company’s early years.

Jon Robert

Jon Robert

VP of Marketing

Responsible for Advertiser & Publisher Solutions, Data Solutions.

Stay In Touch

We think in different ways and our thinking is decided by
many factors. Some are known.